is a literary critic and fiction writer. She received her Ph.D. from Durham University, with a research interest in twentieth-century women’s writing and its dialogues with spatial theory and queer studies.

Intrigue with the Peripatetic school fed a study on nomadism in the works of modernist women writers; from street haunting to hotel hopping, she reads narratives of women’s lived experience and feminine modes of navigation in inhospitable worlds.

Her most recent publication is a reading of temporal tensions in Xiaolu Guo’s romance narratives (Feminist Encounters) and a collection of short stories, No Wonder, Women (Penguin Random House SEA).

NUS College

Senior Lecturer of Humanities (literature, creative practice)

Yale-NUS College

Lecturer of Humanities (literature, writing)

Durham University

Tutor (modern drama and the novel)

Teaching Assistant (survey of english literature)

Nanyang Technological University